Essential Vertigo : Swamp Thing #18 Saga Of The Swamp Thing #37 : Growth Patterns

Writer : Alan Moore
Artists: Rick Veitch
              John Totleben

Something is coming back.

Nobody knows what, but various members of the occult community can sense it.   In a bid to find out exactly what's going on, John Constantine visits some members of the old Newcastle crew.   Judith believes it's a scientific force, Benjamin Cox thinks it's a primeval monster and Sister Anne-Marie believes it's Satan himself.

Swamp Thing meanwhile, is regrowing after previously being 'killed'.   Constantine tracks down Abby and makes her take him to the regenerating plant elemental.   John taunts Swampy, claiming that he doesn't really know what he is - John leaves the rooted Swampy - arranging to meet him in a weeks time.

Johns girlfriend Emma, and the members of the Newcastle crew have all been having nightmares about a boy with one arm sewn into his back and a head that's been twisted around.   Emma draws the object of her nightmares and receives a nasty surprise when the drawing leaves the paper and pushes her out of a window.   The drawing then returns to the paper.   Across America, the members of the old Newcastle gang all experience Emmas death.

Quote Of The Month : 'That's right.   And since for the next four days you're going to be about as dangerous as a turnip, there's not much you can do about it.   Look, let's not have any aggravation, eh ?   My name's John Constantine and I think we could do each other a favor.' - Constantine meeting Swampy for the first time.

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