Essential Vertigo : Swamp Thing #21 Saga Of The Swamp Thing #40 : The Curse

Writer : Alan Moore
Artists: Stephen Bissette
              John Totleben

After his recent exploits in Rosewoord, Swamp Thing takes some time out with Abby to discuss his new found powers and his distrust of the mysterious English man, John Constantine.   Despite his unease, the Swamp Thing travels to Keenescook to meet once again with John.   Upon his arrival in Maine, Swamp Thing feels an old power not unlike his own and he sets off in pursuit of it.

His search leads him to a family residence - the mother has been possesed by the spirit of woman's anger and transformed into a werewolf.   The two engage in a running battle, with the woman asking the Swamp Thing to kill her - when he refuses, she commits suicide by impaling hereself on a knife display in the local supermarket.

A brooding Swamp Thing is confronted by Constantine, who offers him a piece of paper containing his next destination.   An angered Swampy refuses to play Johns game, stating that he intends to return home to Louisiana.   A non-plussed Constantine leaves Swampy holding the paper.   Curious at John's lack of interest, Swamp Thing checks the paper to find 'Louisiana' written on it.

Quote Of The Month : 'Y'know what ?   You don't ask me to feed you, or tidy the swamp, or iron shirts, and I get fresh flowers all year round.   You're just the sort of person I imagined marrying, when I was little...except, y'know, not green....and without all the patches of fungus' - Abby to Swamp Thing.

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