Saga Of The Swamp Thing #39 : Fish Story
Writer : Alan Moore
Artists: Stephen Bissette
John Totleben
As the parents of Rosewood seek their missing children, Swamp Thing confronts the Vampires who reside in the local lake. Realising that they cannot harm him, the vampires herd him towards the eggs which are on the verge of hatching.
Swamp Thing witnesses the birth of the new vampires - he watches, fascinated, as the young attack each other - till only one remains. Having grown on the blood of his brothers and sisters, this creature is a powerful one and it rips the Swamp Thing's body to pieces.
Realising that he's got to stop thinking like a human, the Swamp Thing decides not to confront the creature directly. Meanwhile, the parents of Rosewood have discovered the faith of their children and an untimely encounter with the new vampire leaves one of their number dead.
Swamp Thing uses his powers to breach the damn which held the waters of Rosewood, disrupting the stagnency which allowed the vampires to dwell beneath it. Caught in the now flowing current, the vampires are all killed.
As things start to settle, John Constantine shows up and confronts the Swamp Thing. John accuses Swampy of botching the job - claiming that a sinister force is behind everything that is now occuring - a force which relies on people believing in creatures like the vampires. Because one of the families escaped, John believes that more people will now believe in the creatures.
Constantine leaves an angry Swamp Thing behind, arranging to meet him in Kennescook, Maine.
Quote Of The Month : 'Heh...Don't worry...there'll be three showing up at once in a couple of minutes.' - John displaying his customary sense of humour after observing a number of corpses at a
nearby bus stop.
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